Sunday, September 26, 2010


I think attitude is important and a willingness to learn about new information systems that present at our place of employment. I hear and have even complained myself at having to learn to do new things on the computer or new charting. There are teams at most larger hospital systems that design and make new systems for hospital to use to reduce errors and increase effciency. I may not be able to be directly involved on one of these teams but when asked or surveryed I can be willing to help and when new charting or protocols come I can learn about them and be willing to given them a try without complaining! EHR and electronic information systems are the future, we might as well run with it.

1 comment:

  1. Good point Sarah! Yes, new technology can make people feel intimidated and positive attitude plus willingness are important attributes to have. Even though you may not be in the teams you still have a voice. You can always give your feedback/evaluation of the system.
